The Trouble with Geniuses

“Know he a genius, he just can't claim it 'Cause they left him no platforms to explain it.” - Nipsey Hussle, Dedication
That is one of many lines from the lyrics of my favourite rap artist that you are almost certain was influenced from a book - a particular chapter in fact. That being the book ‘Outliers’ written by Malcom Gladwell, it’s one of those books that change your life forever, if it doesn’t change you it at least moves you.
Now, if you are like me I don’t force every chapter in a book to make sense or be relevant to me but rather allow myself to learn through life, in hopes that one day that particular chapter will make sense or become relevant - as I happen to read ‘Outliers’ for the second time, chapters 3 & 4 happened to be read with complete fresh eyes and huge relief.
The trouble with Geniuses is that some make an impact in the world and some simply do not but what are their differences? The ones that don’t make an impact lack something that could have been given to them if they’d known they needed it: a community around them that prepared them properly for the world.
At this point I lifted my head out of the book and thought “oh f*ck, do I have a community?” - then I remembered that BV is a community, one that I am a part of and has welcomed many people like myself who would have panicked if they couldn’t say yes to that question.
This made me realise and appreciate the work Leke and the team at BV are doing. I reached out to Leke and told him what I thought (really, I just wanted to make sure I’m not buggin’) and the conversation resulted in me writing this blog post.
BV is about providing unrepresented founders and professionals with cultural and community based support - they have created a culture that reminds everyone that you don't have to and shouldn’t do it on your own.
In the end I just want to show gratitude to the BV team, remind all within the community to gain the most out of it and also welcome all new members.